Package: metaConvert 1.0.2

metaConvert: An Automatic Suite for Estimation of Various Effect Size Measures

Automatically estimate 11 effect size measures from a well-formatted dataset. Various other functions can help, for example, removing dependency between several effect sizes, or identifying differences between two datasets. This package is mainly designed to assist in conducting a systematic review with a meta-analysis but can be useful to any researcher interested in estimating an effect size.

Authors:Corentin J. Gosling [aut, cre], Samuele Cortese [aut], Marco Solmi [aut], Belen Haza [aut], Eduard Vieta [aut], Richard Delorme [aut], Paolo Fusar-Poli [aut], Joaquim Radua [aut]

metaConvert.pdf |metaConvert.html
metaConvert/json (API)

# Install 'metaConvert' in R:
install.packages('metaConvert', repos = c('', ''))


This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

3.18 score 3 scripts 727 downloads 77 exports 84 dependencies

Last updated 3 months agofrom:b5e3aba945. Checks:1 OK, 7 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 16 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEFeb 16 2025
R-4.5-macNOTEFeb 16 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEFeb 16 2025
R-4.4-winNOTEFeb 16 2025
R-4.4-macNOTEFeb 16 2025
R-4.3-winNOTEFeb 16 2025
R-4.3-macNOTEFeb 16 2025



Vignette 1. General guidance about metaConvert

Rendered fromTutorial.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 16 2025.

Last update: 2024-11-17
Started: 2024-03-01

Readme and manuals

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metaConvert: An R Package Dedicated to Automated Effect Size CalculationsmetaConvert-package
Aggregate a dataframe containing dependent effect sizesaggregate_df
Flag the differences between two dataframes.compare_df
Automatically compute effect sizes from a well formatted datasetconvert_df
Data extraction sheet generatordata_extraction_sheet
Fictitious dataset 1df.compare1
Fictitious dataset 2df.compare2
Meta-analytic dataset inspired from Haza and colleagues (2024)df.haza
Short version of the df.haza datasetdf.short
Convert a 2x2 table into several effect size measureses_from_2x2
Convert the proportion of occurrence of a binary event in two independent groups into several effect size measureses_from_2x2_prop
Convert a table with the number of cases and row marginal sums into several effect size measureses_from_2x2_sum
Convert a F-statistic obtained from an ANCOVA model into several effect size measures.es_from_ancova_f
Convert a two-tailed p-value of an ANCOVA t-test into several effect size measures.es_from_ancova_f_pval
Convert an adjusted mean difference and adjusted standard deviation between two independent groups obtained from an ANCOVA model into several effect size measureses_from_ancova_md_ci
Convert an adjusted mean difference and adjusted standard deviation between two independent groups obtained from an ANCOVA model into several effect size measureses_from_ancova_md_pval
Convert an adjusted mean difference and adjusted standard deviation between two independent groups obtained from an ANCOVA model into several effect size measureses_from_ancova_md_sd
Convert an adjusted mean difference and standard error between two independent groups obtained from an ANCOVA model into several effect size measureses_from_ancova_md_se
Convert means and 95% CIs of two independent groups obtained from an ANCOVA model into several effect size measureses_from_ancova_means_ci
Convert means and standard deviations of two independent groups obtained from an ANCOVA model into several effect size measureses_from_ancova_means_sd
Convert means and adjusted pooled standard deviation of two independent groups obtained from an ANCOVA model into several effect size measureses_from_ancova_means_sd_pooled_adj
Convert adjusted means obtained from an ANCOVA model and crude pooled standard deviation of two independent groups into several effect size measureses_from_ancova_means_sd_pooled_crude
Convert means and standard errors of two independent groups obtained from an ANCOVA model into several effect size measureses_from_ancova_means_se
Convert a t-statistic obtained from an ANCOVA model into several effect size measures.es_from_ancova_t
Convert a two-tailed p-value of an ANCOVA t-test into several effect size measures.es_from_ancova_t_pval
Convert a one-way independent ANOVA F-value to several effect size measureses_from_anova_f
Convert a p-value from a one-way independent ANOVA to several effect size measureses_from_anova_pval
Convert a standardized regression coefficient and the standard deviation of the dependent variable into several effect size measureses_from_beta_std
Convert an unstandardized regression coefficient and the standard deviation of the dependent variable into several effect size measureses_from_beta_unstd
Convert the number of cases and the person-time of disease-free observation in two independent groups into an incidence rate ratio (IRR)es_from_cases_time
Convert a chi-square value to several effect size measureses_from_chisq
Convert a p-value of a chi-square to several effect size measureses_from_chisq_pval
Convert a Cohen's d value to several effect size measureses_from_cohen_d
Convert an adjusted Cohen's d value to several effect size measureses_from_cohen_d_adj
Convert an eta-squared value to various effect size measureses_from_etasq
Convert an adjusted eta-squared value (i.e., from an ANCOVA) to various effect size measureses_from_etasq_adj
Convert a Fisher's z (r-to-z transformation) to several effect size measureses_from_fisher_z
Convert a Hedges' g value to other effect size measures (G, OR, COR)es_from_hedges_g
Convert a mean difference between two independent groups and 95% CI into several effect size measureses_from_md_ci
Convert a mean difference between two independent groups and its p-value into several effect size measureses_from_md_pval
Convert a mean difference between two independent groups and standard deviation into several effect size measureses_from_md_sd
Convert a mean difference between two independent groups and its standard error into several effect size measureses_from_md_se
Convert mean changes and standard deviations of two independent groups into standard effect size measureses_from_mean_change_ci
Convert mean changes and standard deviations of two independent groups into standard effect size measureses_from_mean_change_pval
Convert mean changes and standard deviations of two independent groups into standard effect size measureses_from_mean_change_sd
Convert mean changes and standard errors of two independent groups into standard effect size measureses_from_mean_change_se
Convert means and 95% CI of two independent groups several effect size measureses_from_means_ci
Convert pre-post means of two independent groups into various effect size measureses_from_means_ci_pre_post
Convert means and standard deviations of two independent groups into several effect size measureses_from_means_sd
Convert means of two groups and the pooled standard deviation into several effect size measureses_from_means_sd_pooled
Convert pre-post means of two independent groups into various effect size measureses_from_means_sd_pre_post
Convert means and standard errors of two independent groups several effect size measureses_from_means_se
Convert pre-post means of two independent groups into various effect size measureses_from_means_se_pre_post
Convert median, quartiles, and range of two independent groups into several effect size measureses_from_med_min_max
Convert median, range and interquartile range of two independent groups into several effect size measureses_from_med_min_max_quarts
Convert median and interquartile range of two independent groups into several effect size measureses_from_med_quarts
Convert an odds ratio value to several effect size measureses_from_or
Convert an odds ratio value and its 95% confidence interval to several effect size measureses_from_or_ci
Convert an odds ratio value and its standard error to several effect size measureses_from_or_pval
Convert an odds ratio value and its standard error into several effect size measureses_from_or_se
Convert two paired ANOVA f value of two independent groups into several effect size measureses_from_paired_f
Convert two paired ANOVA f p-value of two independent groups into several effect size measureses_from_paired_f_pval
Convert two paired t-test value of two independent groups into several effect size measureses_from_paired_t
Convert two paired t-test p-value obtained from two independent groups into several effect size measureses_from_paired_t_pval
Convert a Pearson's correlation coefficient to several effect size measureses_from_pearson_r
Convert a phi value to several effect size measureses_from_phi
Converts the means and bounds of an error bar (generally extracted from a plot) into four effect measures (SMD, MD, OR, COR)es_from_plot_ancova_means
Converts the means and bounds of an error bar (generally extracted from a plot) into four effect measures (SMD, MD, OR, COR)es_from_plot_means
Convert a point-biserial correlation coefficient into several effect size measureses_from_pt_bis_r
Convert a p-value of a point-biserial correlation coefficient into several effect size measureses_from_pt_bis_r_pval
Convert a risk ratio value and 95% confidence interval to various effect size measureses_from_rr_ci
Convert a risk ratio value and its p-value to various effect size measureses_from_rr_pval
Convert a risk ratio value and standard error to various effect size measureses_from_rr_se
Convert a Student's t-test value to several effect size measureses_from_student_t
Convert a Student's t-test p-value to several effect size measureses_from_student_t_pval
Directly input an adjusted value + variance of an effect size measurees_from_user_adj
Directly input a value + variance of an effect size measurees_from_user_crude
Convert means and/or standard deviations of two independent groups into two effect measures (VR/CVR)es_variab_from_means_sd
Convert means and/or standard errors of two independent groups into two effect measures (VR/CVR)es_variab_from_means_se
Print a summary of an object of class "metaConvert"print.metaConvert
Overview of effect size measures generated from each type of input datasee_input_data
Synthesize information of an object of class "metaConvert" into a dataframesummary.metaConvert